(number of offer INW27999) LOT for SALECzertyń,
Agricultural land property located in Czertyń, commune Ińsko, Stargard poviat, voivodeship West Pomeranian, with a total area of 98,8539 ha. The above land property consists of six co-bordering plots of land, respectively: 40.36 ha, 44.5639 ha, 9.28 ha and 1.18 ha - Czertyń and area 2.46 ha, 1.01 ha - Ciemnik. 1. A plot of 40.36 ha - types of utilized areas: RV-29.48 ha, RVI - 10.59 ha, LsV - 0.29 ha. 2. A plot of land with an area of 44.5639 ha - types of land: RV-22.3082 ha, RVI-17.6976 ha, RVIz- 0.4139 ha, LsV - 0.4703 ha, Lzr-RV- 0.2558 ha, Lzr-RVI- 1.9652 ha,, Lzr-RVIz - 1.4529 ha. 3. A plot of land with an area of 9.28 ha - types of land: RV-2.61 ha, RVI- 5.12 ha, RVIz - 0.10 ha, LsV- 1.45 ha. 4. A plot of land 1.18 ha - types of arable land: RV- 0.51 ha, RVI - 0.67 ha. 5. A plot of land 2.46 ha - type of use: RV-2.01 ha, RVI- 0.45 ha. 6. A plot of land 1.01 ha - type of utilization: RV-0.89 ha, LsV-0.009 ha, RVI-0.03 ha. There is no local spatial development plan for this area, while in the applicable Study of conditions and directions of development of the Commune: Uch nr III / 18/2002 of 30.12.02 - agricultural production space, areas of forest complexes indicated for development by introducing afforestation. On June 23, 2016, the commune adopted a resolution to proceed to prepare a study change. The procedure to develop a local spatial development plan has not been initiated. The commune did not adopt a resolution on the designation of a revitalization zone. They are not covered by the simplified forest management plan. The plots are adjacent to the road and to a large forest complex. It is located in the western part of Krzemieńskie Lake. The medium voltage eWN line runs through the plots. EU subsidies plus the possibility of cultivation make this offer very attractive. Price for calls. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this offer.

Treść niniejszego ogłoszenia nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu Kodeksu Cywilnego. Treść ma charakter informacyjny i zalecamy ich osobistą weryfikację. Kontaktując się z biurem Klient wyraża zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z przepisami ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku o ochronie danych osobowych / Dz.U.Nr. 133 poz. 883/. Klientowi przysługuje prawo do wglądu do swoich danych osobowych i ich aktualizacji.

Symbol SWO376383
Type of real estateLOT
Type of transactionSALE
Market typeWTÓRNY
Price prices in other currencies 3 650 000 PLN
Plot situation typeTEREN PŁASKI
Plot area988 539 m²
Shape of the plotNIEREGULARNY
Type of plotROLNA
Form of ownership (plot)WŁASNOŚĆ
Electricity PowerIS
Symbol SWO376383
Type of real estateLOT
Type of transactionSALE
Market typeWTÓRNY
Price prices in other currencies 3 650 000 PLN
Plot situation typeTEREN PŁASKI
Plot area988 539 m²
Shape of the plotNIEREGULARNY
Type of plotROLNA
Form of ownership (plot)WŁASNOŚĆ
Electricity PowerIS

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